Mandorla Rising
Bachelard, G. (1998) On Poetic imagination and reverie, selections from Gaston Bachelard, Translated with a preface and an introduction by Collette Gaudin, Revised edn. Connecticut: Spring Publications
___________. (1969) The Poetics of space, Translated by Maria Jolas, Foreword by Etienne Gilson, Boston: Beacon
Benazzo, Z. and M. (2021) The Wisdom of trauma (film) and ‘Talks on Trauma’ (webinars) centered on the work of Dr. Gabor Maté. Produced by Science and Non-Duality (SAND), Sebastopol, CA, Accessed: 12 August 2021
Available: https://wisdomoftrauma.com/
Bly, R. (1975) Leaping poetry: An idea with poems and translations, Boston: Beacon Press, especially p. 72
Bly, R., Hillman J. and Meade, M. (1992) The Rag and bone shop of the heart: poems for men, (New York: Harper Collins Publishers)
Bohm, D. (1995) Wholeness and the implicate order, Seventh edn. (London: Routledge)
Carpenter, J.R. (2021) Guest lecture, Poetics of Imagination, Module 4. Including a brief tour of published zines, books and websites, Accessed: 21 Aug 2021
Available: https://luckysoap.com/webprojects.html
Deardorff, D. (2011) ‘So Much Happens When No One is Watching’, in Robert Bly in this world, Smith, T.R. ed., Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Libraries, pp. 110-119
__________. (2009) The Other within: The genius of deformity in myth, culture and psyche, 2nd edn. East Montpelier Vermont: Heaven and Earth publishing LLC, Berkeley California: North Atlantic books, especially pp. 39, 67-72, 125
__________. (2008) Interview with Matthew Burton at the West Country Storytelling Festival, Devon, UK, Accessed: 24 January 2021
Available: https://www.mythsingerlegacy.org/ (bottom of home page)
__________. (2006) Living myth, living world: A miscreant mongrel’s handbook, unpublished manuscript, p. 4, includes an entry on ‘Associative Alacrity’
__________. (2003) ‘Authenticity without Authority,’ (talk), Minnesota Men’s Conference, Published in video format (2016), Accessed: 26 December 2020
Available: https://youtu.be/bJldL8NyGeg
__________. (2003-2012) ‘Coyote and Bear’ and other storytelling and musical performances and teachings at the annual Minnesota Men’s Conference. Proceedings published by the Conference, this includes the 2009 conference in which Deardorff and Martin Shaw taught and told 'Iron John' in tribute to Bly, who founded the Conference
Dodd, V. (2021) Conversations about sound, healing, herb lore, the Hawthorne tree, and workshops ‘Self-care with Sound and Movement,’ 1 May 2021, Accessed: 21 August 2021
Available: https://madronamindbody.com/all-events/online-self-care-with-sound-and-movement-workshop
Friedman, J-K. (2021) ‘Muses in the Mandorla’ (manuscript and series of schematic drawings), unpublished
Heschel, A.J. (2005) The Sabbath. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Howard, P. (2020) Infinite potential: the life and ideas of David Bohm. Part one, released by Imagine Films
_________. (2021) Infinite potential: the life and ideas of David Bohm. Part two, released by Gaia Films
Kane, S. (1994) Wisdom of the mythtellers. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press
Kimmerer, R. W. (2013) Braiding sweetgrass. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, especially the first and final chapters.
Available: https://www.audible.com/pd/Braiding-Sweetgrass-Audiobook/B01H478VR0?qid=1628893897&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=AQDF3TDPP7PT5B1T4A1
Kunitz, S. (2002) ‘The Layers’ in The Collected poems of Stanley Kunitz. New York: W. W. Norton, Accessed: 12 April 2021
Available: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/54897/the-layers
Lao Tzu. (1998) Tao te ching: A book about the way and the power of the way. Translated by Ursula LeGuin. Boston and London: Shambala Publications, Inc.
Maisel, E. (1995) Fearless creating: A step-by-step guide to starting and completing your work of art. (New York: Tarcher/Putnam)
Piercy, M. (1982) ‘To be of use’ (poem) from Circles on the water: selected poems of Marge Piercy. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Accessed: 10 April 2021
Available: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57673/to-be-of-use
Prechtel, M. (2015) ‘Why Has Praise Become Uncool?’, (talk) and his series of talks on ‘Grief and Praise’, Minnesota Men’s Conference recordings, 2 November 2015, Accessed: 12 August 2021
Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uAuP30ZD5A
Rumi, J. (1995) The Essential Rumi. Trans. Coleman Barks. San Francisco: Harper
Shaw, M. and Hoagland, T. (2020) Cinderbiter: Celtic poems (Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press)
Stafford, W. (1998) The Way it is. (Minneapolis: Gray Wolf/MacMillan)
Stroud, J. H. (2015) Gaston Bachelard, An Elemental reverie on the world’s stuff. (Dallas: Dallas Institute Publications)
Thompson, W. I. (1989) Imaginary landscape: making worlds of myth and science. (New York: St. Martin’s Press)
Urban Adamah (2021) ‘Spring Into Your Garden: The Essentials of Backyard Garden Preparation,’ an online workshop, held 18 April 2021, Accessed: 21 Aug 2021
Available: https://www.urbanadamah.org/
Zammit, C. A. (2017) Feminine power as a tripartite system of relatedness: A theoretical exploration (PhD. Dissertation), (San Francisco: California Institute of Integral Studies)
___________. (2018-2021) ‘Transformational Facilitation and Leadership Certification’ (trainings) with Dr. Zammit (San Rafael, CA: Essential Wisdom)